Monday, June 14, 2010

Odysseus' Trip Details and a Zella Update

I received a more detailed update from Odysseus' current holders. The e-mail says they received him in Arizona and took him home to Medford, Oregon. He then went with them across the country to see a graduation in Manassas, Virginia and while the travelers were in the area they visited Washington, DC and took him to the World War 2 Memorial, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, the Washington Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial among other things. They sent me a TON of very awesome pictures of which I am extremely grateful. They then said that they will give Odysseus to the graduate who got a trip to Europe as his graduation present.

I am currently trying to track down what happened to Odysseus between Tugman State Park and Arizona but I assume that he went there with the people who received him in Oregon. Of some things we can never be certain!

On another note Zella is in Russia thanks to my best gal pal and her missionary friend. Zella has been left with some people and hopefully I get an update soon.

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