Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Moderator: Ready to go!

Over the past few days I have found two bears that would suit the project and are now ready for hosts. There are pictures and information to right. If you are going anywhere at all and could take one with you please let me know. They will be ready to give away on Monday the 24th since I need to use my sewing machine in Grants Pass before their backpacks will be done.

A little about each bear. Each bear has been named based on suggestions. I've tried to stick with famous travels so in the future you can look forward to Alice (from Alice in Wonderland), Gulliver, and Homer. Each bear has an informational tag on its neck and a backpack sewed on that holds a travel journal and some stamps in case people don't want to/can't use the e-mail system I've set up.

Here is what the tag says, this may help clear up any confusion about the project:

"Hello, my name is Hermes and I am part of Project GeoBear. I am the first bear to be released into the world by Molly of Portland, Oregon with the goal of traveling the world and learning about peoples’ lives. I would appreciate it very much if you would not keep me but host me on your trip and pass me on to another traveler once you reach your destination.

When you take me to a new place please send an e-mail to:

3015 SE 6th Ave.

Portland, OR. 97202

(There are stamps in his backpack)

It's really not too hard and I think it's rather fun. Again, please let me know if you can start a bear for me or if you have any suggestions. You can e-mail me at that address or post to my Facebook/Myspace.


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